Cash is good, but sometimes it’s inconvenient. You can’t use cash to make payment online and you can’t want to carry thousands of dollars. If you have to make payment for large purchase.
Debit cards and credit cards are two convenient ways for making payments easily without having cash. While they do equal things, there are main differences between them that make them suitable for different situations.
What is a Debit Card?

A debit card is a card that is related with a bank account, generally a checking account. Some banks also provide debit cards that connect to your money market account or savings account.
You can use your debit card for spending money directly from the linked account. If you go to a store to purchase something and pay for it by your debit card, the money directly deducted from your checking account to Merchant account.
You can also use your debit card for cash withdrawals from ATMs. Many banks operate their network of ATMs or have connected larger ATM networks. If you use your ATM outside, you usually have to pay a fee to make a withdrawal.
What is a Credit Card?
A credit card is a card that you can use to access a line of credit has been expended to you by a lender. While a debit card you easily access your own money, credit cards allow you easily take money from a lender.
While debit cards generally come with any checking account that you open. You have to especially apply for a credit card from a bank or different card issuer. When you apply, the lender will observe your credit score and financial details, such as your income, to decide whether to give you a card.
There’s no guarantee that you’ll eligible for a credit card. If you have bad credit or can’t show to be true you’ll be eligible to pay back money you borrow.
If you prove, the lender will offer you a credit limit, which is the maximum amount you are allowed for borrowing at one time. You can swipe your credit card pay for purchases; you can borrow money from your credit card issuer.
Each month you will receive a bill from your card issuer. If you pay the entire bill, you will not pay interest. You also have the choice to pay only a portion of your bill. If you do this, you will have to pay interest the remaining balance.
Many credit cards charged per annum fees. They may also provide perks like rewards for each buy you make, free hotel or airline status, or credits toward certain buy.
Main Features
Debit cards and credit cards both you pay for purchases easily without keeping cash, but fulfill that task in slightly different ways. Understanding those differences is necessary to know when to use each.
Debit Cards
When you use a debit card, you’re withdrawing your money directly of your bank account.
The advantage of this is it can easier to avoid spending too much money.
When your wallet has cash, you have the instant and obvious feedback of watching your wallet get vacant as you spend money. When you use your debit card, you get to view your bank account’s balance reduces with every purchase. This is a simple way to track the amount of money you are spending and to ensure you don’t spend more money than you have.
Credit Cards
With credit cards, instead of spending your money, you’re make use of the card issuer’s money.
Credit cards provide you instant and easy access to a line of credit. If you need to take a small amount of money, going through a whole lending process — applying for a loan, and waiting for the lender to release the funds — can be a difficult.
If you have a credit card, you’re already capable to borrow to your credit limit, so all you have to do is swipe your card for borrowing some money to purchase.
This can be high risk due to the high interest rates almost all credit cards charge, but in a pinch, easy access to credit can be helpful to have.
2. Costs
There are costs related for using either a debit card or a credit card. The fees and other costs can be different depending which type of card you’re using.
Debit Card Costs
Debit cards have benefits because they generally charge minimum fees than credit cards. Additionally, there is no risk because you’ll have to pay interest on your purchases with a debit card because you’re using your own money.
One of the most usual fees you’ll have to be worried about with debit cards is the overdraft fee.
While debit cards are not made to you borrow money in the way that credit cards are, some banks will allow you spend much money than is in your account. This is called over drafting your account.
For instance, if you have $80 in your account and try to spend $100 using your card, your bank is able approve the transaction. This causes an overdraft and puts your account balance at negative $20.
Many banks charge some money to this service, so that dropping your balance. In the instance above, if your bank charges a $15 overdraft fee, your account balance will drop to negative $35. You will have to down payment $35 to bring your balance back to $0.
If your account balance is regularly low, you will want to keep a close eye on your balance for making certain you avoid overdrafts. You can also think to talk to your bank for asking about turning off overdraft service, which will allow you avoid these fees. (If you don’t have overdraft protection, your $100 purchase would be just rejecting if you only have $80 in your account.)
The only other fee you will have to be worried about constantly with debit cards are ATM fees. Some banks will charge few fee if you use an out-of-network ATM.
Credit Cards Costs
Depending on the card you use and, the costs of credit cards can get quite high.
One of the most usual fees is the per annum fee, which is a simple fee you will have to pay for each year your card is open. There are many credit cards do not charge fees, but many premium rewards cards have high per annum fees. The most premium cards can charge $500 per annum or more. If you don’t use the most of the benefits these cards offer, you shall be paying the fee for without reason.
You might also pay fees for using a credit card for other situations. For example, if you want to send money to anybody using a peer-to-peer app like Venmo, there’s generally a fee to use a credit card, whereas debit cards are free to use for this purpose.
You also have to think about interest on top of these fees.
Credit cards are a tool to borrow money. Borrowing money means paying interest. And credit cards are among the most expensive ways personals can borrow money.
It is not uncommon to see credit cards charging 10%, 15% even 20% or more in interest per annual. If you correspondingly pay the full balance of your credit card before its fixed date, this would not be any issue. However, if you keep a balance for even a month or two every year, you could pay large amounts of interest.
3. How to Get one of them
If you have not a credit card or debit card, perhaps you shall want to get one because they make easy paying for large purchases too easer. They also provide facilitate online purchases.
The procedure for getting a debit card and credit card differ, and usually debit cards are easier to get.
How to Get a Debit Card
Getting a debit card is too easy for most people now days.
Mostly checking accounts personally provide you a debit card when you open an account. You need not to do anything special to get the card. It’ll show in the mail soon after opening the account and make your initial deposit.
If you have a poor credit score or low income, you might find yourself not able to get a credit card fully, which means a debit card is too easier to get.
How to Get a Credit Card
To get a credit card, you will apply for one. Credit cards are a tool to borrow money, so you will fill up a loan application if you want to get a credit card.
When you apply for a credit card, the credit card company will observe at your credit history and your financial information to decide whether you’ll be capable to pay back the money that you borrowed.
If you have poor credit or the credit division doesn’t have a credit report for you completely, it can be difficult to get approved for a credit card. The is true if you don’t have a consistent income. You will need to build credit and see a source of income before you can qualify.
4. Fraud Protection
Online fraud is a growing problem of now days. Someone put foul charges on one of your cards is more a “when” than an “if” scenario.
Both credit cards and debit cards provide fraud protection, but there is dissimilarity in how they work.
Debit Card Fraud Protection
Most banks provide fraud protection when you use a debit card for purchases. If anyone steals your card information, your bank generally won’t hold you responsible for those charges.
The problem is that your debit card provides the person holding it direct reach to your bank account. If the fraudster rack up $500 of spending before you catches the fraud and warning your bank, that money will already have deducted your account.
Mostly banks will compensate you for the money you lose, but it can take some time to go through the entire process of reporting the fraud and getting compensate. While that time, you’re be all money was take of your account.
The base line is that if you can’t pay off to be missing that money for an extended period, the fraud protection might be very slow for making a distance before you find yourself in tough financial straits.
Credit Card Fraud Protection
Credit cards provide offer alike fraud protection to debit cards. However, there’s one big difference.
If anyone steals your credit card information, they don’t get direct extend to your bank account. That means your money will be safe in your bank even as the fraudster borrow debt in your name.
You won’t be left without a cash to your name while you deal with your card issuer for getting the matter resolved, which can make recovering from credit card fraud a few easier than a similar circumstance with a debit card.
Some credit cards and debit cards provides rewards and other benefits when you use them, which can make them attractive to people who want to get back all of the money they spend.
Debit Card Rewards
By and large scale, debit cards don’t provide rewards like cash back or airline miles. That means you’re losing on few value by using a debit card over a credit card.
However, this tendency might be changed. Some banks — particularly online banks and fitness companies have started providing rewards and other unique benefits for using a debit card.
Credit Card Rewards
One of the top reasons to use a credit card is for earning rewards.
There are different types of rewards credit cards. Some provide offer easy cash back while others offer points, airline miles, or hotel loyalty points. Perfunctory of the rewards system a credit card offers, using your card constantly can help you earn valuable benefits.
While some cash-back cards might offer just 1% on lot of purchases, and many cards offer more 5% or on certain types of purchases.
For instance, the American Express Blue Cash Preferred pays 6% cash back on store purchases. If you spend $5,000 per annual on groceries, you will get $300 return this way, which is no small amount.
Depending on the your card that you use, you can save your money, also earn free flights for your next vacation, acquire a free hotel stay, or earn different rewards just to purchase the things you were already going to purchase.
If you’re an especially savvy cardholder, you might use various different cards based on where they make money the most rewards, let out you maximize your earnings.
Should You Choose Debit Cards or Credit Cards?
In the world of individual finance, there’s not correct answer for all. Whether choose credit card or debit card is not different.
Generally, when used responsibly, credit cards are a better option than debit cards. If you use fee-free credit card and payment your full balance in each month, credit cards provide cash-back rewards and better consumer protections than debit cards.
However, if you clamber for budget or are worried about credit card loan, using debit cards or prepaid cards is a better option? The interest charges on even a lower credit card balance can be massive and it’s better to lose on a small amount of cash back to avoid those costs.
You Should Sign Up For Debit Cards
Debit cards are a better fit if:–
- You can’t be eligible for a credit card. You get a debit card personally when you open checking accounts. If you can’t get a credit card for what reason, using a debit card is the right call.
- You use cash regularly. Debit cards let you pull out cash from ATMs free of charge, assuming you use an in-network ATM. Credit cards charge cash proceed fees if you want to make ATM withdrawals.
- You want help to make budget. Budget with credit cards can be difficult because you have to track your checking account and card balances. Overspending can be easier to do. By compare, when you spend money to use a debit card, you only have to track your checking account balance.
You Should Sign Up For Credit Cards
Credit cards are a better fit:-
- You want to get rewards. Most of debit cards don’t provide rewards while many credit cards do. These rewards can be a significant way to put some cash back in your pocket or get free flights and hotel stays.
- You want consumer protection. Between the fraud protection and expended warranties most credit cards provide, they’re usually the better option for big purchases.
- You want to build credit. If you’re trying to take a bigger loan like a mortgage or auto loan, using a credit card is a significant way to start building credit.
- You have to borrow little amounts of money for short periods. Debit cards let you use your own money while credit cards give you accessibility to a quick and easy line of credit. If you want time to precede money between accounts before paying for something, credit cards provide you an easy way to borrow money for the short term.
Both Are Best If…
Both debit cards and credit cards are excellent choose
- You use a combine of cash and card transactions. There are benefits to pay for things with both cash and cards. If you both use frequently, keep a debit card around to receive cash from ATMs and use your credit card to make card purchase.
- You mostly purchase day-to-day online. If you’re purchasing online, you must need some kind of card to pay. With any type of card will get payment done.
Final Word
Debit cards and credit both provide you a simple way to spend money without having to deal with big amounts of cash. All you have to do is swipe your card for paying for products.
Debit cards permit you simple access to your own money while credit cards allow you borrow money from a lender. Generally, It is provide lots of benefits like cash back and consumer protections. However, you are putting risk yourself into expensive credit card debt.
Most people will want to have used both credit and debit cards as they work best in different-different situations.